Hi Supporting Indigo Teacher’s!
Thank you for taking the moment to read this.
The focus of the March 20th-May 15th 2022, “Indigo” Healing Intensive Course is:
to help others live a life filled with more Clarity, Love, Authenticity, & Confidence.
This is designed to be a 9-week healing intensive
*to provide students with tools, to upgrade their energetic system, and enhance their lives.*
Hello Teach! Here’s what I’m looking to you-, for.
As a Supportive Teacher:
- You will support the container as a whole, - you will focus primarily on providing tools and support on your specific Chakra Lesson.
- You will choose your lesson, and come to the live session, for either the full 2-hours (I teach the first half-hour), or for the time set a-side for your *Lesson*.
- Lesson’s are 1, - 1.5 hours, based on your desired time to teach. (How long you feel you want to teach your lesson for)
- As a Supportive Teacher, You will be a part of the groups private Telegram Group, and will be asked to respond to any questions directed at you, or that aligns to your lesson.
- We will have 2 to 3 Teacher meetings prior the course start on March 20th.
- You can come to the opening and closing ceremonies, but right now it is not required.
-You may also attend any classes you’d like (for the other chakras), but right now it is not required.
My goal, is to help People, all over the globe, who need it, learn about their innate power and healing system.
These are the current dates for the March-May 2022, Live Course Calls.
Sunday, March 20th - Intro Day, Welcome! and Overview.
Sunday, March 27th - Crown Chakra
Sunday, April 3rd - 3rd Eye Chakra
Sunday, April 10th - Throat
Sunday, April 17th - Heart
Sunday, April 24th - Solar Plexus
Sunday, May 1st - Sacral
Sunday, May 8th* - Root (may shift because of Mother’s Day)
Sunday, May 15th - Ceremonial Closing Session
The Time Block:
Monday: 5-7am (Korea, Japan)
Sunday’s: 12-2pm PST (CA), 1-3pm MST (Colorado),
2-4pm CST (Mexico), 3-5pm EST (NY),
5-7pm UTC (Argentina), 8-10pm GMT (UK)
The Sessions will run for 2 hours.
With only a 15 min max overtime, if the students are still sharing or expressing.
*note: there will also be a Private Telegram Group, for this container.
Sample class sessions: (Please do not share this link.)
Current Promo (verbiage, posted on my website):
Dates: Sundays, march -may 15th, 2022
“Indigo” the online course, is an amazing 9 week healing intensive where you will learn to understand yourself better, and enhance your ability to manifest.
During these 9 weeks, I will guide you through learning about your energetic system, your best emotional and physical plan, as well as creating action plan towards your desired life goals.
More than that it’s an opportunity to learn about yourself, your dreams- and discover how to return the power back to you, The Creator of Your own Reality.
This is also a “Wheel of Light”, Chakra Healing intensive, and we will work our way through the 7 Primary Chakras as the core framework for this course, learning in a group setting and receiving support through the tools I will provide.
We will learn through the live calls that occur on Sunday’s, and you will receive Replays for any calls you miss.
This container is intended to create support through the process of the course and equip you with powerful tools to help expand in the best way possible.
about Nerissa Tutiven:
Nerissa Tutiven, is a fine artist, teacher and healing guide, who loves to explore, share, and empower others to live their best life!
She attended “The University of the Arts” for Illustration, and is a Full-Time Artist currently residing in Merida, Mexico.
“Indigo” 2022 Approved AD’s for Social Media
Please use these ads below, to advertise this course as you best see fit.
Posting 1-3x a week is ideal.