Full series access page | *All Zoom rooms are pass-word protected. | Please read below
Week 1 : Activate
We will get into our bodies, and work with our internal guidance system. You will connect with and commit to the artistic endeavor (or project) you want to focus on, via this class. This Session will focus on a combination: of movement, intention setting, guided meditation, and chakra balancing. You will leave this class, feeling ready to more deeply embrace your new creative self.
PASS: Activate
Time Zones: Zoom Room Opens at: 7:25 pm NYC (EST) | 6:25 pm Tulum, Mexico | 8:25 pm Buenos Aires | 5:25 pm Colorado (MST) | 4:25 pm California (CST | Class starts at 00:35*
Week 2 : Align
In Week 2, “Align” we will connect the dots, in regards to what lights us up. These two sessions will be focused on doing inner-work, and coming to “Ah Hah” moments about our creativity, our creative pursuits, and how to make our art more powerful.
PASS: Align1
PASS: Align2
Time Zones: Zoom Room Opens at: 7:25 pm NYC (EST) | 6:25 pm Tulum, Mexico | 8:25 pm Buenos Aires | 5:25 pm Colorado (MST) | 4:25 pm California (CST | Class starts at 00:35*
Week 3 : Create
Week 3, “Create” will incorporate art materials, and we will make simple, organic and intuitive art. This week will serve as a space to draw and paint, without inhibitions. A sacred space, to express what may have been holding us back, and a way to see our future projects in a more attainable way. This week I will show you the way I story-board, come up with color themes and color pallets, how I pull from inspiration, and how I take the ideas in my head and bring them into reality.
This project will be created at as a “Sketch”, not intended to be a finished piece of work. You can utilize canvas if you like but because of time constraints, we may not be able to create a finished painting.
We will listen to music as we draw. Materials listed below.
PASS: Create1
PASS: Create2
Time Zones: Zoom Room Opens at: 7:25 pm NYC (EST) | 6:25 pm Tulum, Mexico | 8:25 pm Buenos Aires | 5:25 pm Colorado (MST) | 4:25 pm California (CST | Class starts at 00:35*
See you then!